Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer at Our Parish

Lector, Usher, Food and Fellowship, building maintenance. Call the office for more information.

Volunteer in Our Community

We partner with our local community to share the love of Christ with others. 

OLM Women’s Club

OLM Women’s Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5pm. The meeting is followed by dinner at 6pm.

Some activities the women have been involved in are OktoberFest, Advent Luncheon, Right to Life Month activities, rosary leaders, and Food and Fellowship.

OLM Men’s Club

OLM Men’s Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 5pm. The meeting is followed by dinner at 6pm.

Some activities the men have been involved in are renovation of the rectory, rosary leaders, OktoberFest and handyman repairs in addition to monthly breakfasts at Food and Fellowship.
